Friday, April 9, 2021

Power Pak Ce Pharmacy Tech Answers

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    If you are a CE provider, we invite you to complete this form to add your CE programs to the directory. In order to be eligible to renew, PTCB requires CPhTs to complete a minimum of 1 hour in the subject of pharmacy law and 1 hour in the subject of...

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    Join us for information about how these tests work and what some of the limitations of the different types of tests are. As a result, in addition to enacting more stringent social distancing and masking guidelines, many are looking to COVID vaccine...

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    This activity is designed to support your counseling efforts by examining dietary supplement regulation with specific emphasis on the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act DSHEA , describing voluntary quality verification programs, identifying counseling points for assisting patients, and discussing the adverse event reporting process. Despite the longstanding practice of homeopathy, there exists considerable misunderstanding and uncertainty amongst healthcare providers. In recent years there has been an increased public interest in complementary and integrative medicine and pharmacists are likely to encounter patients seeking counseling regarding homeopathic products found in pharmacies. In this discussion, we address the misconceptions and present the available facts regarding homeopathic products, with a focus on cough and cold, so pharmacists can make educated and informed decisions in their practice.

  • You Asked For It! Online Programming

    Many patients experiencing self-limiting illnesses such as the common cold seek over-the-counter OTC medicines for symptomatic relief, and pharmacists are likely to receive questions related to their selection and use. This activity will provide a review of the appropriate use of OTC products for self-care and the role of homeopathic remedies so that they may make informed decisions for their patients. Pharmacists will be able to participate in an interactive posttest simulating real patient cases. Most CAM products for wound healing are plant-based. Homeopathic therapies have been available and used for more than years. They are founded on a system of medicine that consists of specific, highly diluted remedies, and can often be a challenging topic of discussion.

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    This activity intends to bring awareness about the various types of CAM and homeopathic treatments available for wound healing, with a focus on calendula. Recent ISMP insight has revealed significant risk associated with the preparation and administration of IV push medications. At this symposium, experts will address the variability of practice with IV push medication use, including unnecessary unit-based preparation and dilution and unsafe injection practices, highlighting strategies necessary for the mitigation of risk. A new gap analysis tool will be presented that can be used by organizations to align best practices.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Describe activities that pharmacy technicians can perform in support of immunization services. Special patient counseling considerations are highlighted, along with major clinical monitoring requirements for these agents. Johns Wort are examined for their roles in the management of depression. Special emphasis is placed on special clinical considerations and patient counseling points for these medications. The session places emphasis on the special monitoring parameters and patient counseling considerations with this group of drugs. Emphasis is placed on special clinical considerations and patient counseling points for these medications. The goal for this session is to create a foundation for future sessions that will explore the clinical significance of these neurotransmitters. Agents are compared and contrasted, with an emphasis on the most significant patient counseling points. SSRIs are compared and contrasted, with focused attention on pertinent patient counseling points.

  • Continuing Education

    The role of weight gain and pregnancy are explored as it relates to the management of depression. Emphasis is placed on mechanism of action as it relates to the management of this disease. Speakers will discuss known diversion cases, vulnerabilities in the medication use process, literature, case studies, guidelines, as well as their personal experiences. They will review a recent study that quantified the drug and workforce waste cost and discuss the use of healthcare technologies as a mechanism to reduce the opportunity for diversion. Practical and evidence-based guidance is provided to guide individualization of therapy with a focus on patient-centeredness. The program reviews the scope of hypoglycemia and associated risks among older diabetics.

  • About Pharmacy Technician Continuing Education Help Please?

    An emphasis is placed on identifying modifiable hypoglycemic risk factors and constructive strategies are provided to assist the care team in developing patient-centered regimens. Attend this session to navigate the latest in immunizations with two leading experts in pharmacy-based immunization delivery. Pharmacists are encouraged to attend this education event to stay abreast of recent immunization recommendations that may have a significant impact on your practice and continuing education. By using this site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. Learn more.

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  • Continuing Competency

    Free pharmacy technician continuing education Depending on what state you work in, you may be required to take pharmacy tech continuing education every year. The purpose of this page is to pass along ideas and opportunities for free pharmacy technician CE. The link for that is right here. Check in with your state to see if they have a similar opportunity. The PTCB has free online continuing education on their website. Click the re-certification tab and a drop down menu will appear with Continuing Education as the bottom option. You cannot earn these by doing your normal duties. But, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, you can learn new skills and earn CE at the same time. A licensed Pharmacist must sign off on it. If you are in college and taking science or math classes, they can most likely count toward Pharmacy Technician Continuing Education.

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    You must get a passing grade and be ready to supply a transcript. Follow this link. In addition to these, there are other programs out there including what is available thru your current employer. Most importantly, be certain how often you must take CE in order to maintain your state License. Don't wait until the last minute either and put your license in jeopardy. If these are not available to you and you are on a budget, consider looking into reduced priced CE courses like Tech Lectures. Use the "Ask A Question" tab on the homepage and ask other visitors to this site how they like to fulfill their CE. Don't be shy, were all here to help each other. Where would you like to go now?


    The mission of PTCB is to advocate a single national standard for pharmacy technician certification. Recently, PTCB began phasing in new standards for certification and recertification, and will continue to do so through , which are designed to develop skills and competencies that are necessary for pharmacy technicians to excel in the evolving health care system. These standards include mandatory background checks, accredited education requirements, and modifications in acceptable continuing education CE for recertification. The changes to the certification and recertification programs are the result of a PTCB initiative that originated from a summit whose focus centered on five areas related to pharmacy technicians: Consumer Awareness, Resources, Education, State Policy, and Testing commonly referred to as the C. Notable changes to the certification and recertification requirements for pharmacy technicians include the following: By , PTCB will require each new candidate for certification to complete an accredited pharmacy technician education program.

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    To qualify for PTCB recertification, each Certified Pharmacy Technician CPhT must complete: a one hour of patient safety CE beginning in , which is in addition to the one hour of pharmacy law CE already required; and b twenty hours of pharmacy technician-specific CE beginning in The number of acceptable CE hours will be modified as follows: a CE hours earned through college or university coursework will be lowered from 15 to 10 hours beginning in ; and b CE hours earned through in-services will be lowered from 10 to 5 hours starting in and from 5 to 0 in In order for a CE activity to qualify as pharmacy technician-specific, the objectives must assess the competencies stated in PTCB s Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination Blueprint, which focuses on drug information, medication safety, pharmacy law, compounding, and general pharmacy practice.

  • Power Pak Ce Pharmacy Tech Answers

    Eighty-three percent of pharmacists agree that working with a certified pharmacy technician allows them to spend more time directly caring for patients. We anticipate that Power-Pak s comprehensive library of T-designated CE will increase the pharmacy technician s ability to impact quality measures and patient care outcomes, in accordance with the evolving pharmacy practice model. Pharmacy technicians who participate in these CE courses will be better prepared to: Collect and communicate patient-specific data to the pharmacist Accurately interpret and communicate drug information in daily practice Describe multiple factors that influence drug responses Summarize key concepts in medication safety and pharmacy law List effective inventory and medication order entry practices Solve pharmacy math problems Discuss the evolving roles of the pharmacy technician This library is also designed to allow Pharmacy Technicians to meet all CE requirements in all 50 states.

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    Accordingly, it is important for pharmacy technicians to familiarize themselves with new products that contain pseudoephedrine as well as pharmacy laws concerning controlled substances and behind-the-counter medications. In a given year, a single pharmacy chain will immunize more than 7 million patients against seasonal influenza and H1N1. Having well-trained pharmacy technicians has allowed for the reallocation of pharmacist time to more patient-centered functions, such as vaccinations and MTM. Accordingly, an increased pharmacist concentration on clinically-oriented activities is vital to improving patient care and may be key to preventing medication errors and rising health care costs. In this CE program, faculty explore the expanding role of pharmacy technicians to support pharmacy s professional engagement in direct patient care initiatives.

  • CPE Frequently Asked Questions

    Considering the pharmacy technician is often the first point of contact for patients who have questions about OTC drug products, they are in a perfect position to collect and communicate patient-specific data to pharmacists, which facilitates more efficient patient-pharmacist discussion regarding self-care issues. The first OTC course offering provides a review of commonly used OTC products for allergic rhinitis and the common cold, while the second focuses on OTC analgesic medications for headache and common conditions causing pain.

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    With an increased understanding of OTC medications and their appropriate use, pharmacy technicians will become more confident in their drug information skills, leading to improved communication with their coworkers, customers, and other health care professionals. Drug Inventory Thinking It Through Over the past decade, the number of drugs that treat medical illness and disease has increased dramatically. Because medication needs are often urgent, proper control of drug inventory is critical. Pharmacy technicians spend a significant amount of their time maintaining inventory control systems to help minimize out-of-stock situations and spoilage due to expired medication. Also, inventory management plays a significant role in reducing harmful medication errors. Pharmacy technicians should be aware of steps that can be taken to improve inventory management processes, considering the overarching goal of health care is to provide cost-effective patient care while limiting adverse drug events.

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    As a result, small miscalculations may lead to either subtherapeutic doses or significant toxicity. These consequences were further highlighted when the FDA s Pediatric Advisory Committee and Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee rejected cough and cold medication use in children less than 2 years of age due to a lack of efficacy data and errors from dosing and drug administration. Because pharmacy technicians play a pivotal role in the overall dispensing processes of pediatric medications, a review of common illnesses among children is needed. Factors That Influence Drug Responses Safe and effective drug treatment is not only a function of the physical and chemical properties of drugs, but also a function of how the human body responds to the administration of medications.

  • POWER-PAK C.E.® - Continuing Education For Pharmacists And Pharmacy Technicians

    While these interactions are complex, they further underscore the importance of pharmacy technicians filling prescriptions carefully and accurately at all times. Therefore, pharmacy technicians should have a greater understanding of factors that affect the way a drug acts in the body, including human variability, disease states, and drug-drug interactions, seeing they are often prompted with patient safety alerts during the order entry process. Understanding Medical Terminology and Pharmacology Associated With the Eye: Glaucoma, Dry Eye and Conjunctivitis Medication safety is enhanced when pharmacy technicians are familiar with medical science terms and pharmacology, especially if they enter prescriptions. The majority of words and abbreviations used in daily pharmacy practice are not common in everyday speech and can seem overwhelming to those who are not familiar with them. Therefore, a firm understanding of medical science terminology and pharmacology will prepare pharmacy technicians to recognize how the nomenclature system is used in naming drug classes, in addition to influencing their ability to interpret and communicate drug information accurately.

  • Pharmacists Premium CE Courses | POWER-PAK C.E.®

    Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration recently announced rules that allow participating pharmacies, certain hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities to collect medication for proper disposal. This is significant because consumers often flush medications down the toilet or toss them in garbage cans, which is unsafe for the environment, considering active and nonactive chemicals could potentially contaminate drinking supplies. In addition, unused and expired drugs that occupy medicine cabinets and household drawers continue to add to the growing problem of accidental poisonings in children, in addition to the illegal possession of controlled substances. Consequently, pharmacy technicians need to be aware of changes in drug disposal laws as well as what to tell patients regarding the appropriate disposal of medications. Medication Safety: The Role of the Technician in Preventing Medication Errors Preventing medication errors is a vital role that is shared by all health care professionals, including pharmacy technicians.

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    The Institute for Safe Medication Practices ISMP highlights several areas during the dispensing process where well-trained pharmacy technicians can help reduce medication errors, including prescription drop off, order entry, filling, and the point of sale. By having a greater understanding of how these issues lead to mistakes, pharmacy technicians will be more prepared to identify and lessen the risk of medication errors in daily practice.

  • Continuing Competency | College Of Pharmacists Of Manitoba

    Because pharmacy technicians are often the initial point of contact when patients enter the pharmacy, they are frequently asked questions related to brand name and generic medicines. As a result, technicians should be conversant with new drugs entering the market, medications that have lost patent protection, as well as regulatory approval processes for both new and generic drug products.

  • Continuing Education

    Knowing Where to Find Key Drug Information Understanding Drug Resources Responding to drug information questions accurately and efficiently is an important part of pharmacy practice, underscoring the importance of pharmacy technicians becoming more familiar with key drug references. As the responsibilities of pharmacists shift toward direct patient care, expanding the roles of pharmacy technicians is critical to the evolving pharmacy practice model. Therefore, advancing pharmacy technicians knowledge with regard to the effective use of drug information resources will facilitate communication between the technician and pharmacist, resulting in more timely and improved patient care.

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