Sunday, April 18, 2021

Persona 4 Golden Finals Answers

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  • [DOWNLOAD] Persona 4 Golden Finals Answers | free!

    Answer: Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia. Answer: Kuukai. Answer: The equator. Answer: He has no mustache. Answer: Cheerfulness in a group. Answer: The first choice. Question 2 — In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Question 1...

  • [FREE] Persona 4 Golden Finals Answers | new!

    Answer: Tug of war. Answer: The right edge. Answer: Chicken. Answer: Glass jars. Answer: Turnips. Answer: Ojisan. Question 2 — Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? Answer: 40 Minutes. Answer: All of the above. Answer:...

  • Persona 4 Golden All School Quiz Question And Exam Answer Guide

    Answer: The Fibonacci Sequence. Question 1 — What desert is the Welwitschia found in? Remember, level 4 Knowledge required to get that perfect score! Answer: Transparent. Answer: The cross-section. Answer: Compassion makes you look better. Answer: VII. Answer: An Orange. Answer: Bury the Demons. Answer: Cat. Do you know? Answer: Red. Answer: Petabyte. February One Last Exam?

  • Valles Marineris Persona 4

    Answer: White. Answer: Beta. Question 2 — How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? Answer: Attendance logs. Answer: Toso Question 2 — What is the medical term for brainfreeze? Answer: Rabbit. Question 2: What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red? Answer: The Sahara Desert Sand. A: Geometric shapes Q: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? A: No country Q: What desert is the Welwitschia from? A: Mochi Q1: What does French food stem from? A2: Geometric shapes Q1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? A1: Khufu Q2: What is a book of maps called?

  • Persona 3 Exam Answers May

    Makes maxing out your knowledge and getting perfect exam scores easy! If you're reading this, then you're probably looking to cheat your way through Persona 4 Golden's classroom sections. I don't blame you, I'm pretty scatter brained myself. Anyway, across the following guide, I'll give you every single answer to every question and exam you'll face during Persona 4 Golden's story. How do I already know these answers? Well, Persona 4 Golden came out back in , so you know. These cheat sheets have been floating around since then. Also worth noting, sometimes one of your friends might be challenged with a difficult question, feed them the right answer and you'll improve your relationship with them! Let's begin! Answer: Overcompensation. Question 2 - What is the year before 1 A.

  • Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers

    Answer: 1 B. Question 1 - Which of these numbers does not exist? Question 2: Which of the following is the highest mountain in the solar system? Answer: Olympus Mons. Your performance on this part is based on your knowledge skill. If you make it in the top 10, you'll increase your relationship with any school friends and you can get rewards from Dojima, Nanako and your teacher!

  • Test Answers For Persona 5 Royal And Persona 5

    If your knowledge is at Rank 4 or better and you get every question right in the previous days then you should get a perfect score and come top of your class! Answer: Attendance Logs. Answer: Balance Beam. Answer: Anaerobics. Answer: Cheerfulness of a group. Answer: Meiji. Answer: Individuality. Answer: Pis Pis River. July Second Exam! Answer: The U. Declaration of Independence. Answer: Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia. Answer: Kuukai. Answer: The equator. Answer: He has no mustache. Answer: Cheerfulness in a group. Answer: The first choice. Question 2 - In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Question 1 - Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache?


    Answer: King of Hearts. Answer: Pascal. Question 1 - Which one of these is the name of a real river? After this, you begin summer holidays! You get around 2 months of no school. Answer: All of the Above. Answer: Brisk. Answer: 40 minutes. Answer: A nonagenarian. Answer: Throat. Answer: Tug of war. Answer: The right edge. Answer: Chicken. Answer: Glass jars. Answer: Turnips. Answer: Ojisan. Question 2 - Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? Answer: 40 Minutes. Answer: All of the above. Answer: Black and white bears. Answer: Ostrich. Answer: Math Girl. Question 2 - What did Napoleon have invented?


    Answer: Glass Jars. Answer: Fall. Answer: Plant Resin. Automatic as always, Knowledge level 4 needed to get perfect score! November Another Exam, Really? How Many of These Things are There? Answer: Geometric Shapes. Answer: A cuckoo. Answer: No country. Answer: Namib. Answer: Bride ale. Answer: A book of maps. Answer: Fibonacci Sequence. Answer: Khufu. Answer: Mochi. Question 1 - What does French food stem from?

  • Persona 4 Golden Guide: All Classroom Answers

    Answer: Italian Food. Question 1 - Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? Question 2 - What is a book of maps called? Answer: Atlas. Answer: Bridal. Question 1 - Which country does the South Pole belong to? Answer: No Country. Question 2 - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… What is this sequence called? Answer: The Fibonacci Sequence. Question 1 - What desert is the Welwitschia found in? Remember, level 4 Knowledge required to get that perfect score! Answer: Transparent. Answer: The cross-section. Answer: Compassion makes you look better. Answer: VII. Answer: An Orange. Answer: Bury the Demons. Answer: Cat. Do you know? Answer: Red. Answer: Petabyte. February One Last Exam?

  • Persona 4 Golden Test Answers - How To Ace All Exams And Class Quiz Questions

    It's the one marked "3 Ch Inaba Public Access. The Qualifying Round is available any time. The Playoffs are available only after beating the Qualifying Round. The Finals will be unlocked after beating the Playoffs, and also requires you to be on the true ending path and have beaten the boss in December. The Protagonist is up against Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko in a quiz show based format. A question will be asked by Teddie each time. You must buzz in and select the right answer for one point. If you get it wrong, you will lose one point. Questions will be randomized, and you are only given a few seconds to answer if you buzz in first.

  • The Let's Play Archive

    Each level consists of 20 questions. One question out of the twenty may be worth more points than usual, but will still only deduct one if you get it wrong. The person with the most points at the end of the round wins. If there's a tie, no one wins. If you find yourself losing you can press start to quit and restart the challenge. Below is a glossary of some of the questions you may encounter. If you find a question not on here feel free to add it to the list. Answer: The Amagi Challenge Q. Sofue Q. Who is the plain teacher who teaches Geography? Yamada Q. What is the full name of Mr. Morooka more popularly known as King Moron? Kinshiro Morooka Q. What is the full name of the replacement 2nd year teacher in class 2, Ms. Noriko Kashiwagi Q. What color and pattern hood does the lady at Shiroku Store wear? Red Polka Dots Q. When Kanji joined your team what was his default weapon? Folding Chair Q.

  • Persona 4 Golden – Midterms And Finals Answers

    Nothing Q. Mystery Food X Q. What was the name of the teacher who gave you the special lecture at Gekkoukan High School? Edogawa Q. When Teddie became available to fight, what was his default weapon? Spikey Punch Q. Which skill allows party members to get back up after being knocked down? Re Patra Q. Rebellion Q. Which of these skills did Shadow Teddie use in battle? Nihil Hand Q. Assault Dive Q. What effect does using an Orange Smash have? Recovers Health Q. What is the title of the final book in the Bullied Teacher series? The Final Lesson Q. Which of the following armors has the lowest defense? Kevlar Vest Q. What series of stickers that comes with candy is popular with children? Tankiriman Sticker Q. What is the 11th major Tarot Arcana? Strength Q.

  • Classroom / Test Answers (US Ver.)

    What is the weakness of Izanagi, the first persona you obtained? Wind Dungeons Q. The ceiling of Maruku Striptease is covered in Neon signs flashing in many colors. What shape are these signs? Hearts Q. Which color paint is not used in that room? Blue Q. How many human outlines are drawn on the floor to the entrance to the TV world?

  • Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

    What was the name of the shadow you fought in Heaven to save Nanako-Chan? Kunino-Sagiri Locations Q. Your neighborhood Q. There is a statue of a frog in the middle of Shirokou Store. What does it have in its mouth? A pipe Q. At Okina Station on which side of the stairways are the elevators? Both Sides Q. What was the name of the hotel in Seaside City that the class stayed in on their trip to Tatsumi Port Island?

  • A New Quiz King Trophy In Persona 4 Golden (Vita)

    Clamshell Inn Q. North Q. What is the second to last stop on the train going to YasoInaba? Higashi-Inaba Q. What is the name of the now closed-pharmacy on the north side of the central shopping district? Nakanishi Drugs Q. Fill in the blank! Bullied Q. How many chairs are there in Class of Yasogami High School? How many days were forecast to be clear the entire day during the month of May? What stuffed animal is located on the bottom row around the center of the lockers at the back of Class ?

  • Persona 4 Golden Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz Guide

    Question: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Answer: The U. Answer: Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia Question: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? Answer: Kuukai Question: Which line can a typhoon never cross? Answer: He has no mustache. Answer: Cheerfulness in a group. Answer: Pick the first choice Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Answer: Meiji Question 1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? Answer: King of hearts Question 2: Who said this: "Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed? Answer: Brisk Question: How short was history's shortest war?

  • Persona 4 Golden Answers: Complete Classroom Question-answer Guide

    Which one of these is the name of a real river? July 4th: Who said this: "Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed"? July 7th: What is the beginning of "Gakumon no Susume" a reference to? Declaration of Independence. July 13th: What is the medical term for brainfreeze? July 14th: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of the Kanji? July 15th: Which line can a typhoon never cross? What sport is "heikin-dai"? It is said, "Even Kobo made mistakes in writing. In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? Who said this: "Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed"? What is the beginning of "Gakumon no Susume" a reference to? July 23th Rise recalls a question from the exam and asks you for the answer to double check.

  • Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers Guide

    August 28th Nanako asks you a question about her homework. Is it the male or female platypus that has the poison claws? August 29th Another quick question from Nanako on her final day doing Summer break homework Did it rain the day that we worked on my art homework? September 1st "Venison" is the meat of what animal? September 5th Which of the following is a kigo for fall? September 17th How short was history's shortest war? September 20th What do you call somebody who's between ninety and one hundred years old?

  • Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 Golden Wiki Guide - IGN

    September 28th Yosuke will ask for help in class While we're on the subject of apples, what part of the human body has an apple in it? Anybody know? October 4th Which of these sports also uses an anchor? October 5th The teacher will ask Yukiko a question, and Yusuke will ask you if you know the answer Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? October 8th Be brave! Tell me what bird's name means "coward" in English! October 11th What did Napoleon have invented? October 12th Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first jack-o'-lanterns? October 13th What kind of fish was I just talking about? October 14thth exams What part of the body contains the "Adam's apple"? Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? How short was history's shortest war? October 17thth exams What is the Japanese name for "panda"? Which bird is falsely known for being cowardly in the English phrase "to stick one's head in the sand"?

  • Persona 4 Golden - Midterms And Finals Answers – WPGamePlay

    What was the name of the Wasan textbook that came out in the Edo period? What did Napoleon have invented? Which season is the adjective "brisk" a kigo for? What is "Dragon's Blood"? November 1st Tell me what the "figure" in "figure skating" refers to! November 4th Yosuke will ask for help in class Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is? You, Hana-chan! You look like you have no problem with silence! November 7th Which country do you think the South Pole belongs to? November 11th What desert is the Welwitschia found in? November 17th Yosuke will once again ask for help in class Alcohol has to do with the roots of the word "bridal. November 22nd Do you know what an "atlas" is? November 24th 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, What is this sequence called? November 25th There are over ancient pyramids in Egypt, but do you know who's buried in the biggest one?

  • Persona 4 Golden – Test Exam Answers Guide

    November 26th Which of these is considered a "rice cake"? November 28th - December 3rd exams What does French food stem from? What does the "figure" in "figure skating" refer to? Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? What is a book of maps called? What word has the words "bride ale" as its roots? What kind of bird is a "kando-dori"? Which country does the South Pole belong to? What desert is the Welwitschia found in? Which of these is considered a "rice cake"?

  • Persona 4 Golden Endings Guide: How To Unlock The True Ending And Secret Dungeon

    December 9th Do you know what color a fuzzy-wuzzy polar bear's fur really is? December 10th What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight? Sato-chan, do you know the intent behind the phrase, "Compassion is not for the good of others"? December 21st Yosuke will ask for help in class Yet, which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world? January 10th Tell me, what are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi? January 14th "Toso" is a traditional drink for the new year, but what does that name mean? January 19th In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in the place of the rabbit? January 25th What color is the snow that falls in Europe in spring? January 30th What's the next unit of measurement up from a terabyte? February 1st What color were the pyramids originally?

  • Persona 4 Golden - Test Exam Answers Guide - PlayStation Vita - By KADFC - GameFAQs

    February 6th-9th exams The word "alphabet" comes from the words "alpha" and what other one? How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? What drink name means "bury demons"? What is the medical term for brainfreeze? What is the Japanese zodiac equivalent to the "cat" in the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs? What vegetable was used to make the first jack-o'-lanterns? What color were the pyramids when they were first built? What gets mixed with snow in Europe that sometimes causes it to turn red?

  • Classroom Answers [Persona 4 Golden (PC)] [Mods]

    And that's every Persona 4 Golden test and exam answered! If you're looking for more guides, our Persona 4 Golden Social Stats explainer can help. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Learn more.


    Question: What sport is "heikin-dai"? Question: What kind of excercise is a sprint classified as? Question: Tell me what morale is! Question: What period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Question: What is identity? Question: Which one of these is the name of a real river? Question: What is the beginning of "Gakumon no Susume" a reference too? Answer: The U. Question: What is the medical term for brainfreeze? Question: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of the Kanji? Question: Which line can a typhoon never cross? Question: What makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards? Question: Venison is the meat of what animal? Question: Which of the following is a kigo for fall? Question: How short was history's shortest war? Question: What do you call somebody who's between ninety and one hundred years old? Question: Which of these sports also use an anchor? Question: Tell me what bird's name means "coward"in English!

  • Persona 4 Golden Classroom Answers | PC Gamer

    Question: What did Napoleon invent? Question: Do you know what vegetables was used to make the first jack-o-latern? Question: What kind of fish was I just talking about? Question: Tell me what the "figure"in "figure skating" refer too! Question: Which country do you think the South pole belongs too? Question: What desert is the Welwitschia from? Question: Is that even in a textbook? The roots of "bridal"? Question: Do you know what an "atlas" is? Question: 0,1,2,3,5,7, What is this sequence called? Question: There are over ancient pyramids in Egypt, but do you know who's buried in the biggest one? Question: Which of these is considered a "rice cake"? Question: Do you know what color a fuzzy-wuzzy polar bear's fur really is? Question: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight? Question: What are you supposed to put on top of a kagami mochi?

  • Persona 4 Golden – Classroom Answers

    Question: What is a traditional drink for the new year, but what does that mean? Question: In the Thai and Vietnamese zodiacs, which animal is used in the place of the rabbit? Question: What's the next unit of measurement up from a terabyte? Question: What color were the pyramids orginally? Answer: White.

  • Persona 4 Golden: All Classroom Answers

    Q: Which one of these is the name of a real river? A: The U. A: Sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia Q: Which famous Heian-era monk famously used a wrong version of this specific kanji? A: Kuukai Q: Which line can a typhoon never cross? A: He has no mustache. A1: The first option Q2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? A2: Meiji Q1: Which king in a deck of cards is missing a mustache? A2: Pascal Q1: Which one of these is the name of a real river? A2: The U. A: A nonagenarian Q: What part of the human body has an apple in it? A: Chicken Q: What did Napoleon have invented? A: Glass jars Q: Do you know what vegetable was used to make the first jack-o-lantern? A: Turnips Q: What kind of fish was I just talking about? A1: Throat Q2: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country?

  • Persona 4 Golden - Test Answers For June And July | TheGamer

    A: Geometric shapes Q: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? A: No country Q: What desert is the Welwitschia from? What is this sequence called? A: Mochi Q1: What does French food stem from? A2: Geometric shapes Q1: Who is buried in the biggest pyramid in Egypt? A1: Khufu Q2: What is a book of maps called? A2: No country Q2: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, A: Transparent Q: What determines whether a hair grows curly or straight? A: Cat Q: What color is the snow that falls in Europe in the spring? A1: Beta Q2: How was the theory that the pyramids were built by slaves disproven? A1: Toso Q2: What is the medical term for brainfreeze? A2: Turnips Q1: What color were the pyramids when they were first built?

  • Classroom Answers

    You can expect these questions early in the morning right when your school starts. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply. Question: What desert is the Welwitschia from? The objective of this paper is to determine whether martian landslides in Valles Marineris were wet or dry and place constraints on the availability of liquid water in Valles Marineris during the Amazonian, when the landslides occurred.

  • Persona 4 Golden – April To February (All Classroom Question And Exam Answers)

    Question: Which property of whole numbers doesn't exist? October brings with it a new set of midterms as well as plenty of questions. Black triangles are Martian data. Question 2: "Venison" is the meat of which animal? At some points, the canyon is miles km wide. Classroom Answers. Question: The word alphabet comes from the word "alpha" and what other one? Question 1: What does French food stem from? By doing well on these exams, players will be able to easily Persona 4 Golden which was released on Steam recently is going wild as all the features and graphics are enhanced. Start your day free trial of Unlimited to listen to this album plus tens of millions more songs. Caparison Row 4. The giant trough system of Valles Marineris is one of the most spectacular landforms on Mars, yet its origin is still unclear. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language.

  • Persona 4 Golden - All Classroom Question And Exam Answers

    Mobility of Martian landslides is one order of magnitude larger. That means answering random questions from your teachers and taking exams. The player will be tested in the classroom in Persona 4 Golden. Question 2: In which period did Japan first implement bonus pay? Persona 4 Golden Before delving into the appropriate answers, you may need to know why it is essential to answer questions effectively in case you don't have the remotest idea. Something that new players may not be aware of is the importance of the quizzes and tests in the game. Valles Marineris. We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. Here is a simple, straight forward guide to all the Question and Exam answers across Persona 4 Golden. Question: Which Cleopatra is the one who was known as one of the three most beautiful women in the world? The Valles Marineris is a system of rectilinear, parallel troughs that extend near and parallel to the equator in the western hemisphere of Mars.

  • Persona 4 Golden Test Answers - How To Ace All Exams And Class Quiz Questions •

    The last day of the final exams requires no answers from you. Most of May is taken up with your first exams, the midterms. And of course in the distance is only a plane. Question: Tell me what makes the king of hearts look different from the other kings in a standard deck of cards? Caparison Row 2. Melas layered deposits and provides valuable information about the geological history of the canyon system.

  • Persona 4 Golden Answers: Complete Classroom Question-answer Guide

    Question: How short was history's shortest war? See all 7 formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Here are all the classroom answers in Persona 4 Golden so you can ace every pop quiz and exam. By a1ML0CK. If this is your first time playing, then you're in for a real treat. Kalian bisa mengisi nama kalian, atau mengisikan nama aslinya di anime, Narukami Last Yu First. Question: What is the year before 1AD called? Valles Marineris 4 katyscott mac. Several formation mechanisms having been proposed [refs in 3]. Circles are dry granular flows simulation. Rank 2 Response 1What's wrong? Question: Who can tell me what kind of bird a kanko-dori is?? Finally, scoring in the Top 10 of your class will give a boost to all of your fellow student social links and Dojima will give you a cash present. Question 1: Which of these numbers does not exist? Question: Where would you find Japan on a map made in a foreign country? You can do with these as you wish, I don't mind - add it to the wiki, even.

  • Persona 4 Golden - Classroom Answers Guide | Attack Of The Fanboy

    The exact mechanism by which the troughs formed is unknown, but it was likely a multistage process, involving tectonism and collapse. Max knowledge is needed to ace these advance exams, which cover material from throughout the other school semesters. Question: What kind of fish was I talking about? The midterms are mostly comprised of questions you already answered earlier in the term, plus some extra questions based on topics covered during the term that weren't related to questions.

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