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Choice D is incorrect. It also describes the more troubling aspects of her life like her poverty and struggles with racism and sexism. Therefore, C provides support for C in question 2. DWhile the author states that Wheatley was sold to a wealthy...
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Eliminate B. BFrederick Douglass is mentioned as someone who produced a slave narrative as opposed to a piece of poetry or fiction. Therefore, B is correct. The author does not describe any personal friendly connection between Douglass and Wheatley,...
Answer Explanations SAT Practice Test #4
BThe passage describes John Wheatley as progressive in lines 37—41, and the author states that this term is a cruel oxymoron today. This best supports B. Choice C is incorrect. Choice A matches this meaning well, as distinctive features would be features that would allow us to distinguish what type of story we were reading. Choices B and C do not provide a sense of distinguishing or marking a story, so eliminate them. Choice D is not better than A , as the features mentioned are troublesomeand there is no indication in the passage that hallmarks must be troublesome. Therefore, D is incorrect and A is the correct answer. CWhile the phrase It is wholly wrong to call the measure that we have taken Government control of farming suggests that Roosevelt is responding to the fact that people have indeed called the measure that, there is no evidence that the speech has anything to do with re-election campaigning.
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Roosevelt asserts that some progress has been made, so the plan has not been unsuccessful; eliminate B. Roosevelt states that there is reason to believe things are a little better, and he also asserts that the policies are wholly within the purposes for which the government was established. This is consistent with C. Roosevelt uses we when speaking about the problems the country faces and the actions the government has taken; he also offering an explanation, not seeking indulgence, so eliminate D. The best answer is C. Choice C explains how Roosevelt plans to deal with the American people by being honest at all times, but that explains how he intends to talk, not what he is talking about or why. Choice D asserts that America is working toward a definite goal and that the policies Roosevelt has been discussing are wholly within purposes for which our American Constitutional Government was established. This supports C in the previous question well. Choice D is correct. BThe passage states in lines 12—15 that the country was dying by inches.
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The passage then describes the reasons that the country was dying, which include factors like trade and commerce had declined to dangerously low levels. This indicates that the country was dying as a result of factors like the decline of trade and commerce, falling prices, foreclosed mortgages, and so on. These factors involve long-term trends and many various components that accumulated over time, indicating that the country was dying in a long-term way and not immediately.
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Choice C indicates that the country was dying quickly or soon, which means the opposite of the phrase in question and is therefore not the correct answer. Choice D does not have anything to do with the speed of the dying and is thus incorrect. DThe passage states in lines 18—20 that national institutions took their actions because of their great needs and not due to any criminal activity, so A is incorrect. While the national institutions were negatively affected by the value of commodities, the passage does not state that those institutions should not be dependent on the value of commodities, but rather that the value had become poor. The passage states that these institutions reacted to their negative situation by foreclosing mortgages, calling loans, refusing credit, which negatively affects those who would use mortgages, loans, or credit. Choice B describes the circumstances that the institutions operated under and their subsequent actions toward investors, so B supports D of question 14 and is the correct answer.
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Choice C describes positive economic effects but does not describe the workings of institutions, so C is incorrect. Choice D describes negative economic possibilities but does not describe the workings of institutions, so D is not correct. BThe passage is concerned with economic challenges and initiatives, not health initiatives, so A is incorrect. Roosevelt describes the specific challenges faced by the citizens in lines 20—27 and states that the challenge is not theoretical, so B is correct. The passage does not state that there is no solution to the problem, and Roosevelt goes on to state that conditions are improving in lines 28—29, so the passage does not imply that the situation cannot be resolved. Therefore, D is incorrect. CIn the lines 28—33, Roosevelt discusses the improved economic conditions but states that he is not going to proclaim that everything is resolved. He does not discuss politicians, so A is incorrect. While he is describing current economic conditions, he does not discuss theories, so B is incorrect.
SAT Practice Test 4 Questions With Answers Explanations PDF
Roosevelt describes the current conditions positively but states that he will not assure the public that everything is resolved, which suggests that progress in the future will require additional attention. This indicates that the short-term gains are not guaranteed to be long-term gains as well, which marks a difference between the short-term and the long-term, so C is supported by the passage.
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Roosevelt does not discuss bankers or farmers, so D is incorrect. In lines 28—33, Roosevelt states that the public has reason to believe that things are a little better, and then states several factors of the economy at the time. This indicates that these factors are proof that things are better, so they are factors that have improved. Roosevelt lists that railroads are carrying more freight, so A is stated in the passage and therefore not the correct answer. Roosevelt states that industry has picked up, which can include a rise in factory output, so B is stated in the passage and thus not the correct answer. Roosevelt lists that farm prices are better, indicating that crop prices have risen, so D is stated in the passage and therefore not the correct answer.
Sat Practice Test 10 Answers
BIn the lines 38—42, Roosevelt states that he does not want the people to resume the ruinous practice…in the hope that a kind providence will find buyers at high prices. This indicates that Roosevelt fears the people will do something ruinous and therefore bad and hope that something kind and therefore good will result. DCheck each answer based on the information provided in the graph. Since there was not a steady decrease throughout the s, B must also be incorrect. The graph does demonstrate that unemployment was higher in the s than in later decades, so D is correct. BCable refers to traditionists in lines 29—31; he makes a comparison between himself and traditionalists of the South. Comparing himself to traditionalists means he and the traditionalists must be different entities, so A is incorrect. In the blurb, it is stated that Cable is defending his previous article from attacks, and he states in lines 15—19 that his article has been attacked because it has been misinterpreted.
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This means that B is supported by the passage. Cable says that his original article was grossly misinterpreted, and so he is not an objective observer but rather taking a side. Therefore, D is not correct. CCable states in lines 15—19 that his earlier article has been misinterpreted because of greater social errors, not because the readers intended to be unfair; therefore, A is not correct. Cable does not mention the U. Constitution, so B is not correct. Cable states in lines 5—9 that his detractors believe civil equality will create social equality, which they equate with social chaos and consider undesirable. Therefore, C is supported by the passage. While Cable himself brings up legal technicalities in lines 59—67, there is no indication that his opponents also cite legal technicalities; therefore, D is not supported by the passage. This supports C in question 22, which was the correct answer for that question. While this answer may seem to support A from question 22, Cable never asserts that people refused to read his article carefully, only that his article was misinterpreted.
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Choice C refers to the fact that no laws can bring about social equality, which may seem to connect to D from question Eliminate C as well. Choice D argues that the people who oppose civil rights are actually the ones who are bringing about greater social equality, although unwittingly. This does not connect to any choices from the previous question, and so it cannot be correct. ACable says in lines 19—23 that the misconstruction has occurred only among those whose thinking still runs in the grooves of the old traditions.
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Choice B hints that the current thinking moves into alignment with the old traditions, not that it has matched the old traditions all along; thus, B is not the best answer. Choices C and D both indicate that the thinking does not match the old traditions, so C and D are not correct. CCable states in lines 29—33 that the North, West, and East want the same things that the South wants. The discontent that the South is feeling is therefore not unique to an individual region, so A is not correct.
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Eliminate A. Although the author does mention the work of other African American authors in lines 1—15, those works are not the primary purpose of the passage. Eliminate C. Although the author does mention good deeds performed by John Wheatley lines 37—47, the author does not discuss him throughout the passage. Eliminate D as well. CThe author states that Wheatley was freed in lines 58—59, so A is incorrect. While the author does mention that the Wheatley family allowed Wheatley to focus on her studies in lines 37—47, the passage goes on to discuss many hardships that Wheatley faced in lines 57—69, so it is not accurate to describe her life in only positive terms. Therefore, B is not correct. This evidence best supports C. Although the author states that Wheatley did not view her enslavement negatively in lines 71—83, the author does not suggest that Wheatley did not think carefully about her opinions about her enslavement.
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Choice D is incorrect. It also describes the more troubling aspects of her life like her poverty and struggles with racism and sexism. Therefore, C provides support for C in question 2. DWhile the author states that Wheatley was sold to a wealthy family from Massachusetts in lines 22—24, the passage does not suggest that Wheatley gained any literary connections through the family, so A is incorrect.
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Therefore, D is the correct answer. DThe correct answer for question 4 notes that in spite of being admired by prominent people Wheatley still had a difficult life. Eliminate B. BFrederick Douglass is mentioned as someone who produced a slave narrative as opposed to a piece of poetry or fiction. Therefore, B is correct. The author does not describe any personal friendly connection between Douglass and Wheatley, so D is incorrect.
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The author goes on to state that Wheatley scholars hypothesize that it was either modern-day Gambia or Senegal. This best supports A. The passage does not discuss any unintended consequences of the actions described, so B is incorrect. The passage does not describe climate or weather conditions during this time, so C is not correct. Thus, D is incorrect. AThe passage states in lines 41—47 that Wheatley had a special aptitude for the subjects she studied, and that her aptitude was so great that the Wheatleys allowed her to focus on these subjects. While she had an interest in poetry, that interest is not the focus of this portion of the passage, so B is incorrect. BThe passage describes John Wheatley as progressive in lines 37—41, and the author states that this term is a cruel oxymoron today. This best supports B. Choice C is incorrect. Choice A matches this meaning well, as distinctive features would be features that would allow us to distinguish what type of story we were reading.
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Choices B and C do not provide a sense of distinguishing or marking a story, so eliminate them. Choice D is not better than A , as the features mentioned are troublesomeand there is no indication in the passage that hallmarks must be troublesome. Therefore, D is incorrect and A is the correct answer. CWhile the phrase It is wholly wrong to call the measure that we have taken Government control of farming suggests that Roosevelt is responding to the fact that people have indeed called the measure that, there is no evidence that the speech has anything to do with re-election campaigning.
Cracking The Sat Practice Test 4: Answers
Roosevelt asserts that some progress has been made, so the plan has not been unsuccessful; eliminate B. Roosevelt states that there is reason to believe things are a little better, and he also asserts that the policies are wholly within the purposes for which the government was established. This is consistent with C. Roosevelt uses we when speaking about the problems the country faces and the actions the government has taken; he also offering an explanation, not seeking indulgence, so eliminate D.
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The best answer is C. Choice C explains how Roosevelt plans to deal with the American people by being honest at all times, but that explains how he intends to talk, not what he is talking about or why. Choice D asserts that America is working toward a definite goal and that the policies Roosevelt has been discussing are wholly within purposes for which our American Constitutional Government was established. This supports C in the previous question well. Choice D is correct. BThe passage states in lines 12—15 that the country was dying by inches. The passage then describes the reasons that the country was dying, which include factors like trade and commerce had declined to dangerously low levels. This indicates that the country was dying as a result of factors like the decline of trade and commerce, falling prices, foreclosed mortgages, and so on. These factors involve long-term trends and many various components that accumulated over time, indicating that the country was dying in a long-term way and not immediately.
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