Friday, April 9, 2021

Computer Question And Answer

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  • [DOWNLOAD] Computer Question And Answer | HOT

    Question 7 One byte is equival to? Answer:- 8 bit. Question 8 Personal computers can be connected together to form a? Answer:- Network. Question 9 The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are...

  • [FREE] Computer Question And Answer | latest!

    Question 15 The ALU and control unit of most of the microcomputers are combined and manufacture on a single silicon chip. What is it called? Answer:- Microprocessor. Question 16 The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to...

  • Computer Science Short And Descriptive Questions And Answers

    Top 40 Computer Science Interview Questions and Answers Details Last Updated: 19 February Here are computer science interview questions for fresher as well as experienced candidates to get your dream job. A microprocessor is an integrated circuit having all the functionality of a central processing unit of a PC. A super class is the basis of all the classes. The object of the rest of the class has all the characteristics related to the superclass. The stages involve by SDLC are: 1 planning, 2 design, 4 construction, 5 testing, and 6 deployment. A file is a named location that stores information or data permanently. It is always stored in the storage device using a file name with primary and secondary name, which is separated by a ". A programming language is a collection of grammar rules for giving instructions to computer or computing devices in order to perform achieve task.

  • Ask And Answer Questions About A Place

    It is designed to help programmers build applications with all the needed programs and libraries. It provides the basis on which developers can build programs for a specific platform. For example, a framework may include predetermined classes as well as functions. It can be used to process inputs, manage hardware, and interact with system software. The interface is similar to a class in Java, but it is a collection of abstract methods. A class can have more than one interface. A class is a blueprint for creating objects. A class contains methods and variables which are a class instance. The interface supports multiple inheritances. An abstract class would contain constructor. The interface does not contain a constructor.

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    An abstract class is declared using the "Abstract" keyword. The interface is declared using the "interface" keyword. It can be used with all access modifiers. It can be used with only public access modifier. A class having an abstract keyword is called an abstract class. An array is a container that keeps a specific number of similar data types. A constructor is a method that is used to create a class object. It is an Object-Oriented Programming language. The file extension of a C program is. Structure in C does not provide the feature of function declaration. Artificial Intelligence or machine intelligence is a common term that is used to build smart machines capable of performing tasks. The main aim of AI is to solve problems in a way that are better and faster. Machine Learning is a system that can learn from an excellent example through self-improvement and without being explicitly coded by a programmer.

  • Computer Technology

    Deep learning is computer software that mimics the network of neurons in a brain. It is a subset of machine learning and is called deep learning because it makes use of deep neural networks. The basic OOPS principle are: 1 encapsulation, 2 abstraction, 3 inheritance and 4 polymorphism. The difference between compiler and interpreter is: Compiler Compiled code run faster. Interpreted code run slower. Generates output program in the form of exe , which can be run independently from the original program. Do not generate an output program. So the programmer evaluates the source program at every time during execution. The target program executes independently and does not require the compiler in the memory. The interpreter exists in the memory during interpretation. Difficult to implement as compilers cannot predict what happens at turn time. It is best suited for the program and development environment. It takes an entire program as an input.

  • Computer Fundamentals Practice Mcq Question And Answer

    It takes a single line of coding as an input. Display all errors after compilation, all at the same time. Displays all errors of each line one by one. A programming language is a collection of grammar rules to instruct computers or computing devices to perform tasks. Inheritance is an object-oriented programming concept in which one class derives the properties of the rest of the classes.

  • Basic Computer Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams

    Method is used to perform some operation or function. It does not have any return type It has a return type. The constructor name must be the same as a class name. The name of the method can be the same or different as per need. It calls automatically when you create a class object. You need to call the method explicitly. There is a default constructor which is provided by the compiler.

  • Electronic Game:Quiz Wiz: The Computer Question & Answer Game

    There is no method provided by the compiler. Byte stream is most usually used to perform input and output for Unicode having 8 bits. Destructor is a class member function that deletes or destructs an object. Process is called as a program which is in execution. Thread is a segment of a process, so; a process can have more than one thread.

  • Basic Computer Questions & Answers PDF

    It stores temporary information until the process finishes its execution. The internet is a global network of a computer that offers a wide range of information and communication facility. It involves interconnected networks, using a communication protocol. An algorithm is a rule or step-by-step process that must be followed in order to solve a particular problem. An Operating system OS is a software that acts as an interface between the end-user and computer hardware. Every computer must have at least one OS to run other programs. Cryptography is the study of techniques that hide the real meaning of information.

  • Computer Science - Computer Fundamentals

    Closed-domain question answering deals with questions under a specific domain for example, medicine or automotive maintenance , and can exploit domain-specific knowledge frequently formalized in ontologies. Alternatively, closed-domain might refer to a situation where only a limited type of questions are accepted, such as questions asking for descriptive rather than procedural information. Question answering systems in the context of machine reading applications have also been constructed in the medical domain, for instance related to Alzheimer's disease. On the other hand, these systems usually have much more data available from which to extract the answer. Multimodal question answering uses multiple modalities of user input to answer questions, such as text and images. LUNAR, in turn, answered questions about the geological analysis of rocks returned by the Apollo moon missions.

  • Computer General Knowledge Quiz Questions And Answers For Competitive Exams

    Both question answering systems were very effective in their chosen domains. Further restricted-domain question answering systems were developed in the following years. The common feature of all these systems is that they had a core database or knowledge system that was hand-written by experts of the chosen domain. It simulated the operation of a robot in a toy world the "blocks world" , and it offered the possibility of asking the robot questions about the state of the world.

  • Introduction

    Again, the strength of this system was the choice of a very specific domain and a very simple world with rules of physics that were easy to encode in a computer program. In the s, knowledge bases were developed that targeted narrower domains of knowledge. The question answering systems developed to interface with these expert systems produced more repeatable and valid responses to questions within an area of knowledge. These expert systems closely resembled modern question answering systems except in their internal architecture. Expert systems rely heavily on expert-constructed and organized knowledge bases , whereas many modern question answering systems rely on statistical processing of a large, unstructured, natural language text corpus. The s and s saw the development of comprehensive theories in computational linguistics , which led to the development of ambitious projects in text comprehension and question answering.

  • GK Questions And Answers On Computer Science And Information Technology

    Berkeley in the late s. The system answered questions pertaining to the Unix operating system. It had a comprehensive hand-crafted knowledge base of its domain, and it aimed at phrasing the answer to accommodate various types of users. Another project was LILOG, a text-understanding system that operated on the domain of tourism information in a German city. The systems developed in the UC and LILOG projects never went past the stage of simple demonstrations, but they helped the development of theories on computational linguistics and reasoning. Specialized natural language question answering systems have been developed, such as EAGLi for health and life scientists.

  • Computer Fundamental MCQ

    Architecture[ edit ] As of , question answering systems typically included a question classifier module that determines the type of question and the type of answer. It thus makes sense that larger collection sizes generally lend well to better question answering performance, unless the question domain is orthogonal to the collection. The notion of data redundancy in massive collections, such as the web, means that nuggets of information are likely to be phrased in many different ways in differing contexts and documents, [9] leading to two benefits: By having the right information appear in many forms, the burden on the question answering system to perform complex NLP techniques to understand the text is lessened. Correct answers can be filtered from false positives by relying on the correct answer to appear more times in the documents than instances of incorrect ones. Some question answering systems rely heavily on automated reasoning. Open domain question answering[ edit ] This section needs additional citations for verification.

  • Introduction To Computer Questions And Answers (Q&A)

    Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. January Learn how and when to remove this template message In information retrieval , an open domain question answering system aims at returning an answer in response to the user's question. The returned answer is in the form of short texts rather than a list of relevant documents. The system takes a natural language question as an input rather than a set of keywords, for example, "When is the national day of China?

  • Computer Science Interview Questions

    Having the input in the form of a natural language question makes the system more user-friendly, but harder to implement, as there are various question types and the system will have to identify the correct one in order to give a sensible answer. Assigning a question type to the question is a crucial task, the entire answer extraction process relies on finding the correct question type and hence the correct answer type. Keyword extraction is the first step for identifying the input question type. In the example above, the word "When" indicates that the answer should be of type "Date". POS part-of-speech tagging and syntactic parsing techniques can also be used to determine the answer type.

  • Best Computer Questions And Answers (Q&A) - ProProfs Discuss | Page 1

    In this case, the subject is "Chinese National Day", the predicate is "is" and the adverbial modifier is "when", therefore the answer type is "Date". Unfortunately, some interrogative words like "Which", "What" or "How" do not give clear answer types. Each of these words can represent more than one type. In situations like this, other words in the question need to be considered. First thing to do is to find the words that can indicate the meaning of the question. A lexical dictionary such as WordNet can then be used for understanding the context. Once the question type has been identified, an information retrieval system is used to find a set of documents containing the correct keywords.

  • Top 50 Computer General Knowledge Questions Answers - GKQUESTIONBANK

    For questions such as "Who" or "Where", a named-entity recogniser is used to find relevant "Person" and "Location" names from the retrieved documents. Only the relevant paragraphs are selected for ranking. A vector space model can be used as a strategy for classifying the candidate answers. Check if the answer is of the correct type as determined in the question type analysis stage. An inference technique can also be used to validate the candidate answers. A score is then given to each of these candidates according to the number of question words it contains and how close these words are to the candidate, the more and the closer the better. The answer is then translated into a compact and meaningful representation by parsing. In the previous example, the expected output answer is "1st Oct. The resulting formula is translated into a computable form, allowing the user to insert values for the variables. Names and values of variables and common constants are retrieved from Wikidata if available.

  • Class 3 Computer Question And Answer

    It is claimed that the system outperforms a commercial computational mathematical knowledge engine on a test set. Progress[ edit ] Question answering systems have been extended in recent years to encompass additional domains of knowledge [16] For example, systems have been developed to automatically answer temporal and geospatial questions, questions of definition and terminology, biographical questions, multilingual questions, and questions about the content of audio, images, [17] and video.

  • 150 Computer Quiz Questions Answers – Learn About Computer – Latest Computer General Knowledge Quiz

    A good tutorial on UVM. Compact discs, according to the original CD specifications hold how many minutes of music? The main purpose of this subject is to impart students the basic knowledge of how to read, write, and speak English and understand the different parts of speech of CBSE Class 3 English Grammar. Optional To add a class comment, click Add class comment. Data Representation 4. GK Questions for Class 2 will help you in participating in all competitive exams conducted in school and Quiz Competitions and Events.

  • Computer Fundamental MCQ Questions And Answers- Technical Aptitude

    You have already completed the quiz before. These general computer questions asked often in the bank and other competitive exams. Here you will find a list of common important questions on microsoft word in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. Class 3 Useful Resources. Which of the following is an example of non-volatile memory? The questions have been framed from different topics. Are you finding the computer general knowledge questions to learn for competitive exams?

  • Top 40 Computer Science Interview Questions And Answers

    Questions and answer pages. What are they? Who invented Computer? Your time 3. Question 18 What is about bandwidth in Internet? Answer: Answer: CPU. The proxy server is also called application level gateway. Computer Quiz for Class 5 and above students Questions with Answers. Practice Now. Class 3 consists of various important subjects like maths, science, English, etc. Sometimes these types of questions are asked as part of the general knowledge section of basic computer awareness and computer operation section. It has a variety of questions and detailed solutions, which can be downloaded in PDF format. Answer this question Browse free questions and answers by Classes. Students are advised to learn the Class 3 subjects properly to build a good hold and interest in each subject. B: Keyboard. Software Concepts 3. These Extra Questions with solution are prepared by our team of expert teachers who are teaching grade in … Computer Questions on Networking 3. Question 16 What do you mean by the term FTP?

  • Computer Literacy Test Questions And Answers - 1

    Answer: 64 or 96 bit. A ………. Answer:- File transfer protocol.. You can view and answer the questions on the Classwork page or the Stream page. C: Memory devices. All questions and answers in our database. These exercises include brainstorming and discussion activities that increase students' awareness of the effects and implications of How can I ask Computer Hope a question? Answer: Gold. Reviewed and tested by the experts for best learning experience.

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    Algorithms and Flowcharts Unit 3 : Introduction to Python 7. GK Questions and Answers on Computer Science and Information Technology consist of 10 sets of questions which are created while keeping in mind the relevance of. We will guide you easily to any To get clear idea on Computer Operator Interview questions and answers we provide complete details on our page and for further details visit our site Fully solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. The questions of this computer awareness quiz covers basic questions related to operating system, chars, input output units and internet.

  • Computer Questions And Answers (Q&A)

    The basic computer knowledge practice … Also explore over 51 similar quizzes in this category. Which part is the "brain" of the computer? After attempting all the quiz questions select the Check Result button to see the result. Mail Merge 2. Enter your comment click Post. Which of the following is not an example of an Operating System? CBSE Class 7 Computer Science sample papers, guess papers, last year question papers, hots, syllabus, multiple choice questions mcqs easy to learn and understand concepts of all chapters. An if statement contains another if statement completely. NCERT text book questions and answers help you to get thorough understanding of the concepts.

  • + TOP COMPUTER Fundamental Questions And Answers

    Answer in one word or one sentence: 1. We have already published questions and answers for learning software testing, javascript, and php. Explore brief study notes and practice sample paper from Extramarks, offering best NCERT solution for class 8 computer science. Inserting Missing Number. Data Handling. The Class 3 English curriculum includes poems, stories, and a couple of topic-related questions. You can visit all these important topics by clicking the links given. Send your class a question, instantly see the results as a plot. All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions 11 questions 12 questions 13 questions 14 questions 15 Questions and Answers.

  • Computer Practice

    IC chips used in computers are usually made of: Q. You can increase your knowledge by learning these computer questions which help to you while solving computer questions in ssc and bank exams. Data […] Here are 10 basic computer awareness quiz for school students preparing for Quiz competitions and scholarship exams. Try to learn these Basic Computer Questions yourself and increase your confidence. Answer:- It is a type of conversation between two or more user using computers or mobile by internet at the same time.. By this the client computer can establish indirect network connection to another network.

  • Basic Question And Answer On Computer, Internet And Information Technology

    Computer knowledge questions and answers, Topic-wise, Sectional practice with Mock Tests. Browse our forums and post your questions. You can understand the concepts of Class 6 Science more thoroughly by solving them on a frequent basis. Presently we have added total 2 sets of questions on basic computer knowledge for … The main purpose of this subject is to impart students the basic knowledge of how to read, write, and speak English and understand the different parts of speech of CBSE Class 3 English Grammar. Computer overview and its Basics 2. Basic computer troubleshooting. One Gigabyte is approximately equal is: Q. Explanation are given for understanding. Transmission capacity of a communication channels.

  • A Computer Program To Prepare And Answer Multiple Choice Questions

    MS DOS. Basic Computer Knowledge Questions and Answers for exam preparation. Basic Computer Knowledge is one of the most important sections in the entire Computer Knowledge competitive, Campus and entrance online test. Components of Computer Quiz. Memory devices. Explanation: A proxy server is a computer that acts as a gateway between a user's computer and the Internet. Computer awareness and knowledge questions and answer bank and Free online practice tests are extremely useful for all kind of competitive exams like Common Aptitude Test CAT Tools 4. Here in this blog, I am sharing computer general knowledge quiz questions and answers for competitive exams.

  • Computer Questions 1-100

    Questions and fun facts related to Class 10 Computer Notes will also be shared on our facebook page so you can ace your Computer Science examination. ClassQuestion is a clicker free classroom response system that allows teachers to send questions that students can answer on any device, including: phones, laptops, and tablets. Question Bank for 3rd Class Select Subject. Our online computer parts trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top computer parts quizzes.

  • Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1

    Answer: bit. Here you will find a list of common important questions on basic computer knowledge in MCQ quiz style with answer for competitive exams and interviews. While some questions are very easy, some are hard also. Answer:- This is measurement of how fast the data can be sent over a wired or wireless … Step 9 - Now click on 'Next:Write your letter' under 'Step 3 of 6' section. Solved examples with detailed answer description. All revision worksheets, Sample papers, Question banks and easy to learn study notes for all classes and subjects have been prepared based on the latest

  • 300+ TOP COMPUTER Fundamental Questions And Answers

    Answer: d a, b, d Explanation: None 42 Which of the following statement is correct regarding a template prepared by a word processing package? Any document can be saved as a template. Default template is used when you create a new file. Many templates contain text that gives one advice on how to use the template. Default settings are reflected by the normal document template and cannot be overwritten. Show Answer Workspace Answer: a Any document can be saved as a template. Explanation: A template is a file that acts as a framework for a new text. Any document or text can be saved as a template. It infects the boot sector. It propagates through the internet and e-mail.

  • Basic Computer Troubleshooting

    It has no effect in increasing the internet traffic. It alters the folder structure. Show Answer Workspace Answer: b It propagates through the internet and e-mail. Explanation: A worm virus is a malicious file. This virus can be spread across a network without human aid. It also requires a large amount of bandwidth and memory. It spreads through the internet and e-mail. SCSI interface.

  • Computer Knowledge Questions & Answer,Preparation , Practice & Online Tests

    Web window B. Display area C. Word-pad window D. Active Window Ans. Storage and memory differ with respect to which of the following characteristics? Price B. Reliability C. Speed D. All of the above Ans. What are the two examples of freeware? WinZip and Linux B. Shareware and file sharing C. Microsoft word and Google toolbar D. Microsoft power point and Microsoft Excel Ans. Even if a disk drive fails, the computer application running and using it can continue processing. Fault tolerance C. High reliability D. Which of the following could be digital input devices for computers? Digital camcorder B. Microphone C. Scanner D.

  • Computer Miscellaneous Questions And Answers | Computer Knowledge

    Answer: Voice Over Internet Protocol. Question: E-mail stands for? Answer: Electronic mail Question:Write some common output devices of computer. Answer: Monitor, Printer and Speaker. Question: Give some Example of programming language. Answer: YouTube is a famous video sharing site. Goojje is a Chinese Search Engine 4. Function of Modem is to convert digital signal to analog signal and also analog signal to digital signal 5. Answer: Uniform resource locator. Question: When Microprocessor was invented? Answer : Photo Editing Software. Question: What is Windows? What is SIMM? Answer: Read Only Memory. Question: What is RAM? Answer: Micro Processor Question: Who is the father of modern computer? Answer: Charles Babbage Question: What is the name of first personal computer? Answer: Sphere 1 according to WikiPedia Here I am going to share you about list of basic Input Devices, Output devices and Both input-output devices related to computer.

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